We help your people develop a cyber security mindset and become the first line of defence.
Contact usWe learn the starting point of your company and of your people. What cybersecurity processes and technology EXIST; are KNOWN and are APPLICABLE by them ? The SOCRAI tribe helps to coach your people on their journey to cyber resilience.
From the current maturity level, we take your company and people on a journey by translating existing processes and technology to the user so they do not only EXIST and might be KNOWN, but can actually be APPLIED. Your people get trained on cyber secure behavior @Work and @Home, for which they receive rewards. Through practical exercises, your people start to understand and develop the skill of cyber resilience.
Once we achieve your base level of cyber resilience, we address gaps in your cybersecurity posture and translate the new processes and technology to your people, so they can be applied in their journey towards cyber resilience. The SOCRAI tribe at this stage consists of people helping people, resulting in mutual protection, through feedback and assistance, avoiding incidents and isolation.
SOCRAI helps you and your colleagues to have a cyber security mindset, So you can be aware and protect your company's data. We do this by checking the existence of processes, technology and awareness of cybersecurity and ensuring people know and can apply the processes and resources at hand, resulting in a path to cyber resilience.
Every year, cyber crime is estimated to cause damage worth up to 6 trillion dollars worldwide. In response to those threats, the business world continues to invest in growing amounts of resources in cyber security in attempt to keep the threat at bay. Nevertheless, 85%* of breaches involved a human element (social engineering - Phishing was present in 36%* of breaches) and 61%* of breaches involved credentials (* Verizon 2021 Data Breach Investigations Report)
After a cyber security breach, companies tighten their cyber security even more. Notably by securing the areas that may have been linked to the breach; securing affected equiment offline. But, no matter how much money you throw at your organisation's online security, the bad guys will always look for the easiest way in. And in most of the cases, the biggest weakness isn't the IT system... It's their untrained people.
SOCRAI helps you and your colleagues to have a cyber security mindset, So you can be aware and protect your company's data. We do this by checking the existence of processes, technology and awareness of cybersecurity and ensuring people know and can apply the processes and resources at hand, resulting in a path to cyber resilience.